Daily Bulletin

                                                                                                                                                                                          Daily Bulletin                                                

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

NO. 54

 Today’s Menu:  Super Nachos, Cheese Sauce, Coleslaw, Pretzel, Fresh Carrots, Sidekicks and Milk.

Alternate Menu: Salad Bar

Equity Quote: We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others are bright, and some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box. Robert Fulghum


RIPL Quote: “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” -Mother Teresa


Attention Student’s please do no park in the grass, park on the paved parking lot!!!!


Junior High Knowledge Bowl practice Wednesday at Rocket time.

Senior High Knowledge Bowl Meeting and Sign Up in Mr. Foertsch’s room on Thursday during Rocket time.


Yearbooks are now available for purchasing.  Please use the following links:

High School Link: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A04177000

Elementary Link: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A09896839


Band Lessons for the week:

Wednesday: Graham Schumacher at 9:15 and Alex Mavis at 9:30.

Thursday: Brianna Will at 9:15 and Leah Ravenscraft at 9:30.

Friday: Haylee Hammer at 9:15 and Reagan Anderson at 9:30.


Voice Lessons for the week:

Wednesday: Treysen Pedersen at 8:50 and Izzy Shores at 10:30.

Thursday: Chloe Cruz at 8:50 and Khylie Watson at 10:30.

Friday: Addy Tuttle at 8:50 and Carter Knutson at 10:30.


Activities for the week: (All Athletic schedules can be found in the 'Activity Scheduler ' app.)

Thursday: Girls Basketball Game vs. NCE-UH, B-Squad at 6:00 and Varsity at 7:15.

JH Girls Basketball Game vs. Brandon-Evansville at Evansville, 8th Grade at 4:00 and 7th Grade at 5:00. The bus departs at 2:55, please excuse the students at 2:40.


Saturday: Boys Basketball Scrimmage at Pelican at 9:00. The bus departs at 7:45.


Concession Supervisor for Thursday 11/21 is Ms. Dreger and her workers are Brook, Ainsley, Katrina and Chloe.Chloe.