Today Ms. Ewy's 5th graders visited the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center. The students used their "sense of wonder" to observe and discover new things on the prairie.

Today, 5th graders became “naturalists” at Prairie Wetlands! While observing, a few of the treasures they spotted were a baby painted turtle 🐢, quacking ducks🦆, singing birds 🐦, cool-looking beetles🪲, tall dandelions🌻, shrimp 🦐, and huge clovers 🍀. #gratefulfornature

6th graders studied the holiday of Cinco de Mayo, the history of piñatas 🪅 and learned the art of making their very own piñata masterpiece. To celebrate, some chose to hit the piñatas with their best shot! 🪁☀️🌺🗿🎏

5th grade was stranded on the “Island of the Blue Dolphins”! To survive they used kelp, sinew, bone, & wood. Imagination, grit, & perseverance created a toothbrush, snare, fishing rod, spear to name a few. Anyone would be lucky to be stranded with these amazing 5th graders!! 🏝☀️😊

Another exciting night at the Underwood Gym where our High School Choir & Band showcased their talents in front of very appreciative audience. Kudos to ALL of our music students, Mrs Flint & Mr. Pelanek for providing some wonderful entertainment for everyone in attendance.

Mrs. Olson’s first graders are finding fun ways to practice their last week of spelling!

Exciting night at the Underwood Gym with our 5th-8th Grade music students (choir & band) showcasing their talents during a live in-person concert. Parents and a few other guests got the opportunity and pleasure of listening to our younger singers and musicians perform.

Geometry fun with Moebius strips!

Ben Rudrud from RIPL came to Underwood School today to present the school with their “official” RIPL Certification Plaque & Certificate. Ben thanked the school district for their continued priority and work on building positive relationships within their school building.

For the next 10 days, something 'special' is written inside 10 balloons.
#10 - Going on a 'nature walk' - somehow we ended up at the park for a picnic style snack and to play!

More pictures of the 6th grade trip to Duluth.

Skipping rocks on Lake Superior!

Lunch and Lake Superior! (6th grade field trip)

Mrs. Hoyt’s 7th grade math students did a great job thinking outside of the box to break into the Breakout Box. They all worked hard and did an awesome job working together as a team!

6th grade continues to enjoy their trip to Duluth. Friday began with a tour of Glensheen Mansion and an overnight at a camp was a blast!

The sixth grade is enjoying a tour of Lake Superior and the Harbor aboard the Vista Fleet

6th Grade enjoying a tour of the William A Irvin

Underwood 6th Graders have landed in the great City of Duluth. They have a busy day planned taking in some of the historic sites of Canal Park & the shipping areas, including a boat ride around the Lake Superior Harbor area. Should be a fun & exciting day for our 6th Graders!!

Underwood School’s Elementary classes are enjoying reading by a campfire and enjoying "smores" this week during their library time. An awesome, fun learning experience that is also helping students get ready for some summer fun!!!

4th Grade finished up their embryology unit today and got the chance to play with the chicks! They loved every moment!