Today Ms. Ewy's 5th graders visited the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center. The students used their "sense of wonder" to observe and discover new things on the prairie.
almost 4 years ago, Kaytlin Ewy
We found a variety of plants and wildlife near the water.
The students spotted a muskrat swimming in the wetlands!
One student had a close encounter!
Taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells of the prairie.
Today, 5th graders became “naturalists” at Prairie Wetlands! While observing, a few of the treasures they spotted were a baby painted turtle 🐢, quacking ducks🦆, singing birds 🐦, cool-looking beetles🪲, tall dandelions🌻, shrimp 🦐, and huge clovers 🍀. #gratefulfornature
almost 4 years ago, Molly Johnson
Such an adorable little creature!
All clear! No gators in there!
Peace and mindfulness!
We finished the day at DeLagoon Park with Dilly bars, playground, and a baseball game!
6th graders studied the holiday of Cinco de Mayo, the history of piñatas 🪅 and learned the art of making their very own piñata masterpiece. To celebrate, some chose to hit the piñatas with their best shot! 🪁☀️🌺🗿🎏
almost 4 years ago, Molly Johnson
So close!
Creativity at its finest!
Nice swing!
5th grade was stranded on the “Island of the Blue Dolphins”! To survive they used kelp, sinew, bone, & wood. Imagination, grit, & perseverance created a toothbrush, snare, fishing rod, spear to name a few. Anyone would be lucky to be stranded with these amazing 5th graders!! 🏝☀️😊
almost 4 years ago, Molly Johnson
Problem solvers!
They were working hard in their “villages” on the “island”.
Another exciting night at the Underwood Gym where our High School Choir & Band showcased their talents in front of very appreciative audience. Kudos to ALL of our music students, Mrs Flint & Mr. Pelanek for providing some wonderful entertainment for everyone in attendance.
almost 4 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Mrs. Olson’s first graders are finding fun ways to practice their last week of spelling!
almost 4 years ago, Amber Olson
Spelling fun
Spelling fun
Spelling fun
Exciting night at the Underwood Gym with our 5th-8th Grade music students (choir & band) showcasing their talents during a live in-person concert. Parents and a few other guests got the opportunity and pleasure of listening to our younger singers and musicians perform.
almost 4 years ago, Dave Kuehn
concert 4
concert 2
concert 3
concert 1
Geometry fun with Moebius strips!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Hoyt
Displaying their creations!
Ben Rudrud from RIPL came to Underwood School today to present the school with their “official” RIPL Certification Plaque & Certificate. Ben thanked the school district for their continued priority and work on building positive relationships within their school building.
almost 4 years ago, Dave Kuehn
COUNTDOWN TO KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION HAS BEGUN! For the next 10 days, something 'special' is written inside 10 balloons. #10 - Going on a 'nature walk' - somehow we ended up at the park for a picnic style snack and to play!
almost 4 years ago, Leslie Setterholm
#10 - Nature Walk
Playing  at the park
Playing at the park
Eating snack
More pictures of the 6th grade trip to Duluth.
almost 4 years ago, Crystal Hoekstra
6th grade at Enger Tower in Duluth
Lake Superior
Touching jellyfish at the aquarium
Skipping rocks on Lake Superior!
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Olson
skipping rocks
Lunch and Lake Superior! (6th grade field trip)
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Olson
Enjoying Lake Superior !
Mrs. Hoyt’s 7th grade math students did a great job thinking outside of the box to break into the Breakout Box. They all worked hard and did an awesome job working together as a team!
almost 4 years ago, Erin Hoyt
Working hard!
Using the black light to solve a clue.
6th grade continues to enjoy their trip to Duluth. Friday began with a tour of Glensheen Mansion and an overnight at a camp was a blast!
almost 4 years ago, Breck Grove
The sixth grade is enjoying a tour of Lake Superior and the Harbor aboard the Vista Fleet
almost 4 years ago, Jason Rogers
6th Grade enjoying a tour of the William A Irvin
almost 4 years ago, Jason Rogers
William A Irvin
William A Irvin
William A Irvin
6th grade enjoying a tour of the William A. Irvin
Underwood 6th Graders have landed in the great City of Duluth. They have a busy day planned taking in some of the historic sites of Canal Park & the shipping areas, including a boat ride around the Lake Superior Harbor area. Should be a fun & exciting day for our 6th Graders!!
almost 4 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Duluth 1
Duluth 2
Duluth 3
Underwood School’s Elementary classes are enjoying reading by a campfire and enjoying "smores" this week during their library time. An awesome, fun learning experience that is also helping students get ready for some summer fun!!!
almost 4 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Library 1
4th Grade finished up their embryology unit today and got the chance to play with the chicks! They loved every moment!
almost 4 years ago, Kelly Foertsch
Meeting the chicks
Meeting the chicks
Meeting the chicks