Big shout out to Susan Uhren who works ALL year on providing our students with the annual Christmas Store. The Christmas store is for all of our Elementary students to shop so they can give presents to their parents, siblings and grandparents! The best thing about the store is that the students do not spend any money on the presents because they are donations from Susan, staff and some businesses! Below are some pictures of all the presents going home to families because of her generosity.

Congratulations to Kale Rick for winning the heavyweight division at the Dan Unruh Invitational in Wahpeton on Saturday.

The Underwood Debate team traveled to Eagan to compete in the MDTA Novice and MSHSL Section Congressional Debate Tournament. Bella, McKenna, Mason and Kaily represented Underwood proudly. Congratulations to Kaily Burgau, Section 5A champion!

Underwood School is currently accepting applications to fill a Full-Time High School Special Education Paraprofessional position. Interested candidates should contact Principal Arick Follingstad at 218-826-6101, ext. 105 or afollingstad@underwood.k12.mn.us.

Reminder - RIPL Wednesday Dress Up Day Today = ZOOM Day!

Underwood Preschoolers had a fantastic time learning about fire safety and exploring firetrucks last week at the Underwood Fire Department. Big thanks to all the volunteer firemen!

Clothing order for Rocket gear, it’s not specific to any sport or activity.

Underwood 5th graders returned from their annual trip to Long Lake Conservation Center today. They spent three days learning and having fun in nature. We can hardly wait to go again with next year's class and continue a 30+ year tradition at Underwood School!

The Underwood 6th grade took a trip to The Twin Cities and got to tour the Capital Building, Minnesota History Mueseum and US Bank Stadium.

If your son or daughter participated in our summer enrichment camps or field trips here are all the photos! Thanks for all the fun!

Reminder - picture retake day is this Thursday. All district families received an email a few minutes ago.
This link (http://Scherling.PreOrderPhotos.com/?AccessCode=Y36MA9) will provide access to important information.

7-12 Conferences are tonight from 3:30-8:00. High School Conferences are held in an 'open house' format. No need to reserve a time.
K-6 Conferences also start today after school. Elementary Conferences are scheduled in advance with homeroom teachers.

Junior High and High School RIPL Challenge Winners:
Addie T - 8th,
Brenna S - 7th,
Aubrey B - 7th,
Grahm H - 7th,
Chase S - 7th,
Rolan J - 7th
Parker H - 10th,
Chase M - 9th

3rd and 4th Grade RIPL Challenge Winners:
3rd Grade - Brooks W, Courtney S, Dalton F, Jacob E, Kaden K, Layalia B, Layla C, Levi S, Mason H, Micah B, Norah F, Rhen J, Ronnie D, Sutton K, Weston R.
4th Grade - Harper J, Hayden R, Jackson B, Morgan S, Myla Fuchs, Theo J

RIPL Challenge Winners from October.
Aleigha A - 2nd Grade
Lydia M - 2nd Grade
Cambria F - 2nd Grade
Lyndsi L - 1st Grade.
Thank you to the Underwood Quik-Stop for providing a coupon for a Rocket Float and a water bottle this month.

RIPL Challenge Winners!
Bryce P - 12th Grade
Lottie Z - 7th Grade

K-6 Conferences are scheduled for next week. Elementary families should use the Elementary Conference Sign Up Link on the school website to reserve a time with the homeroom teacher of their child(ren). An email with this link will also be sent to all elementary families shortly.

7th-12th grade Conferences are scheduled for Monday, November 7th from 3:30-8:00 at the Underwood School. High School Conferences are held in an 'open house' format.

Reminder - Friday, November 4th is a scheduled Early Release day. Elementary students will be dismissed at 12:30. High School students will be dismissed at 12:33.

8th grade basketball hard at work!