Bus Message for January 2023
Bus Routes will change on Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023. We do this each year so that those who have been getting on the bus early, will now get on later. Van routes will not change.
The list for each route will be emailed to each family on the route who rides the bus. If your name was left off the list, please let us know that you plan to have your child ride the bus. Students should be ready at least five minutes early as these are estimated times.
Please call the bus message line to leave a message for the bus drivers. You can call 24 hours a day. Afternoon messages should be left by 2:00. 218-826-6101 ext. 3
Anne Stenoien, Transportation Coordinator 218-826-6101 ext. 108, astenoien@underwood.k12.mn.us

Rockets win 61-58 over the Falcons! Great game!

Underwood up 5 with 7 min to go.

Underwood Boys Varsity bball up 2pts at the half over Park Christian Falcons 32-34. Energetic first half!

Carson Roehl was able to finish 3rd in a 52 man bracket at the Rumble on the Red this past Thursday and Friday. OTC finished 32nd out of 64 teams. Great Job Bulldogs

Reminder: School is dismissed today at 1:30 p.m. to start our Holiday Break. School will resume again on Tuesday, January 3rd.

At this point, all after school activities are still on as scheduled for today. This includes 4H, practices, and the 5-12 Choir Concert tonight at 7:00 p.m. The Choir Concert will be recorded and a link will be added to the school facebook account and website tomorrow.

Getting ready for the holidays on bus 17.

This is a reminder of the 5-12 Choir Concert to be held on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Choir students should report to the choir room at 6:15 p.m. dressed in their black concert attire.

Reminder of our Music Performances Schedule the week

Holidazzle Message #2 - A meal and supervision option will be available from 5:15-6:15 for students attending the Holidazzle event who need to return to school by 6:15 for the Band Concert. An email will be sent to elementary families today with a meal/supervision sign up form.

The Elementary Holidazzle Event originally scheduled for Wednesday, December 14 has been rescheduled to Monday, December 19. This event will start right after school and run until 5:15 PM. Parent pickup will take place in the commons.

Underwood School Update:
Thursday, December 15th will be an E-Learning Day. Students/families should expect communication from their teachers by 10:00 a.m. this morning regarding the expectations for the day.
All after school activities have been canceled for today.

Underwood School and buses will be running two hours later on Thursday, December 15th due to weather conditions in our area. School will start at 10:20.

Wednesday, December 14th will be an E-Learning day for students.

Varsity Boys Rockets lead over the Sebeka Trojans at Halftime 21-31.

Final RIPL Challenge Winners for November 2022:
High School: Leah M, Jakoby S, Landon K, Chase S, Collin L, Braxton S, Jayce W, Evan L, Kiara S;
Not Pictured: Lanston B, Adrian H, Lori D, Charlee J, Jayden H.
Thank you to the Quik-Stop for donating a prize to each winner.

More RIPL Challenge Winners:
4th Grade: Hannah L, Foster S, Clayton P, Ady A, Jayce D, Kenzie A, Harper J, Dexter S (not pictured)
4th Grade: Taitym F

RIPL Challenge Winners:
1st Grade: Blade S, Brynnley B, Carson F, Brantley B, Griffn J;
2nd Grade: Cambria F;
Kindergarten: Rhett T;
6th Grade: Riley K, Ella R (not pictured)

Last week, we celebrated our RIPL Challenge Winners for the Month of November.
3rd Grade Winners:
Dillyn H, Aivlee S, Jacob E, Harper J, Wesley M, Briellah A, Levi S, Mason H, Quincy P, Will O, Piper N (not pictured).
More pictures to follow.