POW! SHAZAM! BAM! It's the 100th Day of School! The kindergarten classes celebrated the 100th day, the 'SUPER HERO' way!

Mrs. Olson’s 1st grade class made 100 day shirts and hats! Happy 100 days of learning!!

Please see the attached flyers for Kindergarten Roundup and Preschool Registration on Friday, March 3rd. Information with more specific details will be sent to families.

February 6-10 is National School Counseling Week. This week recognizes psychologists, counselors, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, and social workers for their hard work and dedication to students.

Reminder: Friday, February 3rd is a scheduled early release. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.

February is "I LOVE TO READ MONTH!" at Underwood School!
Our Principal, Mr. Follingstad, read to Mrs. Olson's 1st grade class today about Groundhog Day. Guest readers will be appearing in our elementary classrooms throughout the month.

I Love To Read Month starts today!
Elementary classrooms are starting their month-long reading challenge today. Here is a short video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw_r5xQrM3Q&t=3s) to introduce the activities for the month.

Underwood School District students benefit every day from the vision of our school board members! February is Minnesota School Board Recognition Month! We thank our school board members for their hard work and leadership! #CelebrateSchoolBoards

Congratulations to the following students for earning their way onto the A Honor Roll or the B Honor Roll for semester 1 of the 2022-2023 school year.

Underwood School and buses will be running two hours late on Friday, January 27th due to weather conditions in our area. School will start at 10:20.

Congratulations to Kale Rich for winning his 50th career wrestling match.

Thank yous (3/3): Messiah Lutheran Church, Jason Allen Construction, Evavold Electric, Nature's Call, Sverdrup Lutheran Church, Stalker Lake Golf Course, Amor Excavating

Continued Thank Yous (2/3): Underwood ARCO, Underwood Quick Stop, Xtreme Marine, Pemberton, Nelson Auto, JK Sports, Marcus Meder Edward Jones, AgCountry, Lake Region Healthcare, Kevin Johanson LPL, Attitudes for Hair, Underwood Lions, ...

Underwood Elementary students created thank you cards and winter art for area businesses who have donated to the school this year.
Thank you to the following businesses (1/2): Farmers State Bank, Park Region, Underwood Insurance, Underwood Legion, Stockman's Tavern, ...

Semester 1 Report Cards are completed.
To view report cards for your student(s), go to ParentVue and click the 'Report Cards' tab on the left side menu. You can print report cards from that page or by looking under the 'Documents' tab on the left menu.

Underwood School is excited to announce that we have a new live streaming platform for all events (other than home varsity events covered by PRTV). A link can be found on the home page of our school website (www.underwood.k12.mn.us) on the top menu called "Live Event Links."

UHS Snow Week Pageant 2023

Congratulations to Cole Peterson and Hannah Radzwill for being selected as this year's AAA Award winners from Underwood School. Cole was also selected as the Sub-Section AAA Award winner and will move on to the Section competition on February 8th.

Underwood 5th Grade, 8th Grade, and High School Strength & Conditioning students had the opportunity to 'hit the slopes' at Andes Tower Hills last Thursday. Students had a great day learning and growing in their skills.

Reminder - No school for students on Monday, January 16th.