Rocket Homecoming Week Starts Monday!
Dress Up Days:
Monday - Adam Sandler Day
Tuesday - Twinning Tuesday
Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday
Thursday - Jersey Thursday
Friday - Rocket Pride Day
High School Homecoming Events Schedule:
Monday: Coronation during Rocket Time
Tuesday: Powder Puff Football during Rocket time + 6th hour
Wednesday: Ironman Volleyball during 3rd period
Thursday: Rocket Olympics during 1st period
Friday: Parade beginning at approximately 2:40 p.m.

Underwood School Families Reminder - Today (Friday, October 7th) is the first scheduled Early Release day of the school year. Elementary students will be dismissed at 12:30. High School students will be dismissed at 12:33.

Underwood 3rd graders spent the morning harvesting prairie seeds at PWLC. They then enjoyed lunch and recess at Dr. Allen Magnuson Park.

Just a reminder - Salad bar ( check menu for days with salad bar) and second 's will be available starting October 1st.

Underwood School Families - One last reminder...
Wednesday, September 21st is School Picture Day!

Underwood Parents/Guardians of 10th-12th Grade Students - Here is some information from MDE regarding financial aid. An email was also sent to all 10th-12th families with more information.

Underwood School Families - This is a reminder that Wednesday, September 21st is School Picture Day. Order forms were sent home with students. You may also choose to order pictures online.

Rockets take the first set!

Bring your Rocket or Bulldog gear to exchange on Tuesday September 6!
We will have all items for sale for $5.00. Proceeds go to Underwood Volleyball!

Underwood School Families - please view the following video for some important back to school information. We are looking forward to getting started on the 2022-2023 school year!

Underwood School Families - 7-12 Open House runs from 5-7 tonight. 7th Grade families should plan to attend one of the orientation sessions (5:15, 5:45, 6:15) in the big gym.
Elementary Back to School Conferences are schedules for tonight and next Tuesday.

Our Rocket/Bulldog Gear exchange is approaching quickly! You can drop off your gently used clothing (no stains or holes) with a Rocket volleyball player or drop in the gray tub in the office.
-Each item donated gets you a free choice of an item at the store
-Items not exchanged can be purchased for $5. with proceeds going to UHS Volleyball
-Store hours: during open house before, after, and during the first day of school and during the volleyball match vs Battle Lake on Sept. 6

Underwood School Families
The start of the school year is coming quickly.
Please visit https://bit.ly/U-BACKTOSCHOOL for some important back to school information.

Are you in need of new Rocket/Bulldog gear? Have some extra gear in your closet? See attached for our GEAR EXCHANGE!!

The Underwood School District and the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Department are excited to announce a partnership that will provide a School Resource Officer at Underwood School for the 2022-23 school year. At the Underwood School District Board meeting on Monday June 13, the Underwood School Board approved an agreement with the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office for a School Resource Officer (SRO).
The SRO will provide an added layer of protection to current safety protocols in place, as well as build relationships with the students, staff and visitors to the Underwood School. “I am excited for the partnership with the Underwood School with the addition of the SRO. I want to thank the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners as well as the Administration and Underwood School Board Members for their support of this added position. School safety remains a priority and the Sheriff’s Office will continue to work with the Underwood School to ensure that we are providing the best service possible to keep all students, staff and visitors safe.” -- Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons.
Outgoing Superintendent, Dave Kuehn and incoming Superintendent, Jeff Wilson, echo the comments of Sheriff Fitzgibbons regarding the high priority of the school district and the OTC Sheriff's Department to provide the best possible plans and resources to ensure student and staff safety at Underwood School. The school district is very excited about this opportunity to partner with the OTC Sheriff's Department and appreciate the continued support from Sheriff Fitzgibbons, his staff and the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners.
Dave Kuehn, Superintendent

Rocket Golfers competed at Day 1 of the State Tournament today. On a very hot and windy day, state golf qualifiers Amber Frigaard, Hudson Risbrudt & Trevor Swonger did battle with the Pebble Creek Golf Course in Becker MN. Amber finished the first day with a 102, Hudson finished with a 95, and Trevor finished with a 81. Trevor is currently in 13th place, eight strokes out of the lead going into tomorrow's Day 2 and final day of the State Tournament. Best of Luck to our State Golfers as they compete in the final round of the MSHSL State Tournament.

Congratulations and Best of Luck to Underwood's State bound golfers -- Amber Frigaard, Hudson Risbrudt & Trevor Swonger. The three Rocket golfers will be competing in the MSHSL State Golf Tournament at Pebble Creek Golf Course in Becker MN on June 14th & June 15th. Thank you to the Rocket Pep Band, Mr. Pelanek, the OTC Sheriff's Department and the Underwood Fire Department for their assistance on putting together an awesome send-off for Amber, Hudson & Trever. Everyone is proud of these three and of what they have accomplished this year on the golf course. Lots of "Birdies & Pars" at State -- Go Rockets!!

Congratulations to Underwood's Class of 2034!! Kindergarten Graduation was held at Underwood School this morning. The Class of 2034 is currently 48 students strong. These young ladies and young men are ready & raring to go, moving on into the next stage of their educational journey, which is the 1st Grade. There were many proud parents on grandparents on hand that helped celebrate this very special day for our future Rocket "stars". We are very proud of ALL of our "youngest" graduates!!

Underwood 6th grade had a end of year trip to Glendalough State Park yesterday and used our new bike fleet. They were able to bike on the park’s bike trail and thought it was great!

In the last week Ms. Clauson’s Civics students have learned more about their civil rights and civil liberties and what the police power is. To help better understand these topics Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons, State Trooper Lieutenant Corey Pausch and Probation Agent Nicole Woodman came and visited with the kids.