Field Day updates
almost 3 years ago, Breck Grove
Field Day
Congratulations to Underwood High School's Class of 2022. The Class of 2022 is prepared and ready to make a difference. We are proud of all of our graduates and look forward to seeing and hearing about all of their success stories.
almost 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Grad 1
Grad 2
It’s empty now, but the Underwood High School Graduation Ceremony is just a few hours away! Come celebrate the Class of 2022. 2:00 PM in the Underwood School Gymnasium.
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
Underwood School Families - Due to current field conditions and the projected temperature on Saturday, we will hold the Graduation Ceremony for the Underwood High School Class of 2022 in the Big Gymnasium. The ceremony will start at 2:00 p.m. The gym doors will open at 1:00 p.m.
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
Reminder for the Underwood Class of 2022 and their families - The Baccalaureate Service will be this evening (Sunday, May 15th) at 7:00 p.m. at the Sverdrup Lutheran Church in Underwood. This event is open to the public. Please join us.
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
Looking for Rocket Gear?
almost 3 years ago, Breck Grove
Rocket Gear
Elementary Families - Due to field conditions, the Elementary Field Day scheduled for this afternoon will be postponed to a later date. We will communicate a make up day plan in the near future.
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
1st-6th Grade Families, As of now, Elementary Field Day is on as scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. However, the weather may force us to postpone this event. We will make the final call on this event by 10:00 a.m. on Friday.
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
Friday May 13 is Elementary Field Day!
almost 3 years ago, Breck Grove
Field Day Announcement
Field day announcement
Our FINAL WACKY WEDNESDAY is TOMORROW, May 11th! Let’s have some fun! Go ROCKETS!! Prek and 11th are Pink Kindergarten and 8th are Red 1st and 5th are Purple 2nd and 7th are Orange 4th and 9th are Blue 3rd and 10th are Green 6th and 12th are Black All staff and adults Yellow
almost 3 years ago, Molly Johnson
Elementary School Families - Please remember to submit your Summer Enrichment Program information for any K-6 student planning to attend. Please contact Mr. Follingstad or Mrs. Frederick with any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
Congratulations to Underwood's newly inducted National Honor Society Members: Annie Albjerg, Emmy Albjerg, Emma Borgos, Logan Nelson, Ezrah Baker, Elsa Grunewald, Elizabeth Lukken and Nathan Russ. The induction ceremony for these new members consisted of short speeches on the "pillars" of National Honor Society: Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character. These speeches were followed by the presentation of new members. Current senior members and newly awarded senior members had the opportunity to share a "thank you" message. Super proud of ALL of our National Honor Society Members.
almost 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Honor 1
Honor 2
Taste of Minnesota! 6th Grade students created their favorite Minnesota meals and treats for all to enjoy!
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
taste of mn 2
taste of mn 4
taste of mn 1
taste of mn 3
REMINDER- No School for Staff and Students this Thursday and Friday, April 14 and April 15. There WILL be school on Monday, April 18th, which is a makeup weather related day. The updated school calendar is on our school website for the remainder of the year.
almost 3 years ago, Roxanne Thompson
Congratulations to Rocket Speakers Mason Hoyt, Tyler Herr and McKenna Geones on making the final round of the section 6A Speech Tournament! Mason placed 5th in Discussion, Tyler placed 3rd in Storytelling and McKenna is the Extemporaneous Speaking Champion! Tyler and McKenna will advance to the MSHSL State Speech Tournament to be held at Eastview High School on April 23.
almost 3 years ago, Crystal Hoekstra
Weather Update: The school day will continue as normal and end at the regular time. However, all after school activities have been cancelled for today. No practice for Track, Baseball, Softball, Golf, or Speech. At this time, the After School Program is still on as scheduled.
almost 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
Congratulations to the Underwood Speech Team on their 2nd place finish at the Subsection 22 Speech Tournament! Individual place winners: Mason Hoyt 5th Discussion, Addy Tuttle 1st alternate Drama, Luncy Chen 2nd alternate Drama, Lili Hermes 4th Ex. Reading, Kallyn Grove 5th Ex. Reading, McKenna Geones 1st Ex. Speaking, Max Grove 3rd Great Speeches, Maggie Hoekstra 4th Great Speeches, Alexia Gedde 4th Original Oratory, Carlie Poser 3rd Poetry, Tucker Fick 4th Poetry, Isabella Dlouhy 3rd Prose, Tyler Herr 2nd Storytelling, and Gabe Lindstrom 3rd Storytelling. Good luck at Sections next Saturday!
almost 3 years ago, Crystal Hoekstra
Mrs. Hoyt’s Geometry class had fun exploring Moebius strips today! They connected, colored, and cut them in a variety of ways.
almost 3 years ago, Erin Hoyt
Geometry fun!
Just a reminder-Friday, April 1st is a half day for students. School will dismiss at 12:30pm.
almost 3 years ago, Roxanne Thompson
The 3rd grade students had perfect weather today for planting the seeds they harvested last fall at the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center. They enjoyed helping restore the native prairie flowers & grasses that used to be plentiful on the prairie.
almost 3 years ago, Jodi Pedersen